Respect and Inclusion at the Workplace to Create a Positive Work Environment

 A respectful workplace is easy to cultivate. Be courteous to people, and talk good about them, right? This sounds great but that is not the truth. Respect and inclusion at workplace are more superficial things—it is about creating a work environment that is inclusive for everyone. 


Creating an inclusive culture implies that you create new policies or eliminate the previous ones that don't go well with the concept. It starts from recruitment and goes to performance management. The hiring process needs to have candidates from all communities. Community outreach programs and jobs fairs ensure that diverse talent reaches the recruiter.


“Showing respect in the workplace simply means not being intentionally or accidentally harmful to another,” Kryss Shane, author of “Creating an LGBT+ Inclusive Workplace.


At its core, expressing respect means acknowledging people’s humanity. It implies accepting different identities, protecting employees from unfair treatment and valuing other cultures' workplaces. For a long time, underrepresented groups and women have been discriminated against for various beliefs. This is a part of cultivating a positive work environment.


Why are Respect and Inclusion an Important Part of Any Workplace?


Disrespect is very rampant in firms, especially among employees of different classes, caste, gender, cultural, and social groups. Disrespect triggers dissatisfaction, loss of interest and low self-worth. That's why respect is important. 


Encouraging respect boosts productivity and can strengthen creativity in the workplace. Each member of a firm has the right to equal amounts of respect, no matter how long they have been working in the company.


Respect and inclusion develop with good communication, awareness and morality. It is a basic human need that improves engagement and performance. 


Tips to Create Respect and Inclusion at the Workplace


"Lastly, strong HR policies, practices and capabilities that drive a culture that is inclusive to all genders, drives respect and does not discriminate whether in hiring, promoting, retaining and giving learning opportunities."


Here are a few helpful tips to create respect and inclusion at workplace.


  • The company must have the real intention of having a respectful and inclusive environment. Motivate your employees to be honest, and make sure that there will be no problem speaking out.
  • Check your bias. All of us have biases. We have the habit of sticking to stereotypes. These biases are the results of the societies we grew up in. We need to address these biases. 
  • Hire a professional for a bias workshop at your office. It will help the employees to evaluate personal biases, engage in group activities and meetings will also continue at the office about inclusion and respect.


Final Words


Respectand inclusion at workplace mandate a broader perspective to guarantee a secure workplace for all the employees. These should be irrespective of their sexual orientation, and gender, especially, in current times where a workplace is not only about women and men but also from the LGBT community. 


It is nice to have a woman of colour as the head of the company. It is more crucial to truly respect their input and understand why their presence is n


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